LIHC Member Spotlight: Eric Michel

We are reviving a LIHC tradition this week, the LIHC Spotlight!  As fall semester draws to a close and exciting transitions take place, we’ll be interviewing members to get a peek at what they’re doing both within and outside of LIHC.  It should be a lot of fun, and a great way to us to get to know each other a little bit better.

This week, I interviewed Eric Michel, one of our outgoing Vice Presidents, about his time with the Leadership Institute and his interests outside LIHC.  In this interview, Eric spills about his dream job and favorite classes at Harvard, as well as why he thinks LIHC is so special. Read on to learn about Eric’s favorite superhero and the dining hall dessert that makes him swoon:

Name: Eric Michel
Position in LIHC: Vice President, formerly on LDI
Year: 2012
Concentration: Economics
Hometown: Solon, OH

  1. First question: what leader do you admire most and why?
    George Washington. First, he was able to lead the troops to an incredible victory in the Revolutionary War. Later he was elected President. He set many precedents in the first term of office, including using the title “Mr. President” instead of alternatives such as “Your Highness.” Even though he probably could have stayed President for decades more, he set the precedent of stepping down after two terms and went back to his farm in Virginia. He knew both how to use power and when it was right to give it up. That is something that ought to be admired.
  1. And what is your personal definition of leadership?
    The art of empowering and mobilizing others to want to accomplish a mutually agreed-upon goal while advancing the group’s integrity and morale.
  1. What has been your favorite part of being a member of LIHC?
    I love all the people. LIHC has the greatest group of undergraduates and advisors I have ever met. Everyone is so passionate, so interesting, so great to work with that I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone in the organization. While the personal leadership development opportunities and chances to meet renowned leaders are wonderful, what really makes the experience so great is the LIHC family that I share it with.
  1. Now that you’re a senior, looking back what has been your favorite class at Harvard?  Why?
    There have been so many! Probably my favorite was Sociology 109: Leadership and Organizations. Professor Ager does an incredible job in this class showing the importance of leadership in various situations. The class uses a case study model which allows for a truly interactive class discussion and the ability to apply classroom learning to real life situations. In addition to this course, I am also a big fan of Constitutional Law, Politics of Congress, Science and Cooking, American Economic Policy, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  1. Let’s say you could have any job in the world, and money didn’t matter at all…what would you be and why?
    Cruise reviewer. You get to travel, eat good food, and have a good time on the job.

Lightning Round:

  1. First thing you do every day when you wake up: Read Wonkbook
  2. Wii or XBox: N64–they just don’t make game systems the same way anymore.
  3. Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy: Jeopardy–always learn something new
  4. Favorite Superhero: Jack Bauer
  5. Favorite TV show: Currently, either The Daily Show or How I Met Your Mother. But I also loved Alias, Ed, The West Wing, 24, Lost, Boston Legal, and Who’s Line Is It Anyway when they aired.
  6. Favorite Dining Hall dish: Chocolate Cream Pie
  7. Favorite Sport: Tennis to play, football to watch
  8. Favorite Board Game: Settlers of Catan
  9. Favorite Card Game: Euchre
  10. Early Bird or Night Owl: Night owl

Many thanks to Eric for being featured on our first LIHC spotlight of the year! Look for our next installment of LIHC Spotlight in a week.

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